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Allergy Drops (SLIT)

Allergies can significantly affect the quality of life for many individuals, causing symptoms such as sneezing, itching, nasal congestion, and watery eyes. Allergy drops, also known as sublingual immunotherapy (SLIT), are a treatment option for those seeking long-term relief from allergies. Continue reading to learn what allergy drops are, how they work, and the potential benefits they offer.

What are Allergy Drops (SLIT)?

Allergy drops, or SLIT, involve administering small doses of allergens under the tongue. These allergens may include common substances like pollen, dust mites, pet dander, or mold. The drops are typically taken daily and gradually increase in strength over time. The goal of SLIT is to desensitize the immune system to specific allergens, reducing or eliminating the body's allergic response. 

How do Allergy Drops (SLIT) work?

Allergy drops work by exposing the immune system to small amounts of allergens over time, allowing the body to build up a tolerance to them. This is achieved by administering increasing doses of the allergen extract in the form of drops under the tongue daily. As the immune system gradually becomes desensitized, allergy symptoms such as sneezing, itching, and swelling reduce or disappear altogether. Allergy drops can offer long-lasting relief, and studies have shown them to be as effective as allergy shots for many patients.

Common Allergies Treated by Allergy Drops (SLIT)

Allergy drops are effective in treating a range of allergies, including:

  • Seasonal allergies triggered by pollen from trees, grasses, and weeds
  • Indoor allergies from dust mites, pet dander, and mold
  • Food allergies, such as allergies to peanuts, milk, or eggs

Benefits of Allergy Drops

Long-lasting Relief

One of the significant advantages of allergy drops is their potential to provide long-lasting relief from allergies. Unlike medications that only offer temporary relief, SLIT aims to modify the immune system's response to allergens, leading to sustained improvement even after treatment completion.

Convenience and Safety

Allergy drops can be administered at home, making them a convenient option for many individuals. This eliminates the need for frequent visits to healthcare providers for injections. Moreover, SLIT has been found to have a favorable safety profile, with minimal risk of severe adverse reactions.

Effective for Various Allergens

Allergy drops have shown effectiveness in treating a wide range of allergens, including pollen, dust mites, pet dander, and mold. This versatility makes them suitable for individuals with multiple allergies or those living in regions with high allergen exposure.

Potential Prevention of Progression

Research suggests that early initiation of SLIT may help prevent the progression of allergic rhinitis to more severe conditions such as asthma. This preventive aspect makes allergy drops an appealing option for individuals at risk of developing asthma or other allergic disorders.

Are Allergy Drops (SLIT) safe?

Allergy drops are generally considered safe when prescribed and supervised by an allergist or ENT. According to a study, the side effects of allergy drops are mostly mild and transient, such as itching and swelling under the tongue, which usually resolve on their own. However, severe allergic reactions (anaphylaxis) have been reported in rare cases, which is why it is crucial to have access to emergency medical care while taking allergy drops. Overall, the safety profile of allergy drops is promising, and they provide an effective treatment option for allergy sufferers.

Are Allergy Drops Right for You?

While allergy drops are effective in managing allergies, your doctor can evaluate your specific allergy profile, medical history, and determine if SLIT is a suitable option for you. Additionally, proper monitoring and follow-up are important throughout the treatment process to ensure its effectiveness and safety.

See an ENT Allergy Specialist Near You

Allergy drops (SLIT) offer an effective approach to long-term allergy management. With their convenience, potential for sustained relief, and safety profile, they provide an attractive alternative to traditional allergy medications. See an allergy specialist at ENT Care Centers and start your journey to improving your allergy symptoms.

Medical Reviewers

Last Review Date: January 2024

Content Reviewers:

  • Dr. Jeffrey Nau, MD
  • Dr. Joseph J. Creely, MD
  • Dr. Bryan Murphy, MD
  • Dr. Thomas Higgins, MD, MSPH
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